
Chronic Back Pain

Back Pain, especially in the lower back, is a problem that most people experience at some time in their lives. The muscles that support the spine are in constant use; even while simply sitting, the muscles are in use to keep one from falling over. The spine also bends, straightens and twists. This constant stress on the back can result in back strain and pain.

Chronic back pain can become a lifelong burden for the patient. Some patients suffer for months, years, decades or even an entire lifetime, with unresolved back pain. Unfortunately, many of these people never find a cure for their chronic pain.

Back pain is a symptom. Common causes of back pain involve disease or injury to the muscles, bones, and/or nerves of the spine. Pain arising from abnormalities of organs within the abdomen, pelvis, or chest may also be felt in the back. This is called referred pain. Many intra-abdominal disorders, such as appendicitis, aneurysms, kidney diseases, bladder infections, pelvic infections, and ovarian disorders, among others, can cause pain referred to the back. Normal pregnancy can cause back pain in many ways, including stretching ligaments within the pelvis, irritating nerves, and straining the low back.

Any patient suffering from back pain or radiating leg pain should be examined by a doctor. The history of the pain and any activities that may have triggered your symptoms are important factors in diagnosis and treatment. General recommendations are to resume normal, or near normal, activity as soon as possible. However, stretching or activities that place additional strain on the back are discouraged.

Most people are able to eliminate the pain in their back without surgical treatments. Physical therapy and exercise is the number one way to ease the pain. It is really important to do strengthening, stretching and posture modification exercises. They are the most effective, simplest and safest treatments. Muscle imbalancement is one of the main causes of lower back pain. Doing the correct stretching and strengthening exercises greatly improves the flexibility and strength of the back muscles. This in turn reduces the pressure from the spine and joints and the pain eases.

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