
Medifast Diet Plan

Medifast Diet Plan

The Medifast diet is not a flash in the pan--it has been around since 1980 and has proven results. In fact, Medifast has been recommended by over 20,000 doctors and is suitable for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Medifast is a portion-controlled diet that provides all of the necessary vitamins and nutrients while helping individuals lose weight and maintain lean muscle.

The Medifast program is a very low-calorie, no-brainer approach to weight loss. There's no counting calories, fat grams, or carbs; you just eat or drink six times a day. The primary Medifast weight loss program, "5 plus 1," calls for five daily Medifast meal-replacement drinks or foods (all available only through the company) plus one "lean and green" meal, consisting of lean meat or fish plus salad or green vegetables.

The high- protein, low-carb Medifast plans allow dieters approximately 800-1,000 calories a day, designed to yield a loss of 2 to 5 pounds per week while preserving muscle mass.

" Weight loss varies according to stage of the program, how much you have to lose and physical activity," explains Lisa Davis, PhD, Medifast vice president of research and development. "Initial weight loss is usually much greater than amount lost in later weeks."

Special Medifast plans are available for vegetarians, teens, new moms, seniors, people who have recently had weight loss surgery, and gout sufferers.

The beauty of the Medifast program is the limited decision making. You choose five daily meal replacements from an assortment of portion-controlled shakes, puddings, eggs, oatmeal, chili, bars, or soups, plus prepare one "lean and green meal." Soy or whey proteins are the basis for the meal replacements, which are designed to help dieters feel satisfied on the very low-calorie plan.

Dieters are allowed 5-7 daily ounces of lean meat or fish. The meal options are broken down into "lean," "leaner" and "leanest." If you choose leaner options, additional healthy fats are allowed. The lean meats and fish may be grilled, baked, boiled, broiled, or poached.

Add three servings of raw, steamed, grilled, baked, or boiled vegetables to the lean meat or fish to complete the meal. Vegetables are listed from lowest to higher carbohydrate content, and the ones highest in carbs -- carrots, corn, peas, potatoes, onions, and Brussels sprouts - are excluded.

Any diet plan should benefit from exercise. You can lose weight faster while helping your body maintain lean muscle. If you are not accustomed to exercising when you begin the Medifast diet, it is recommended to wait for a few weeks before you hit that treadmill to give your body time to adjust to its new calorie intake. Then you can add in reasonable exercise. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Weight Losing Diet

In our fast-food, eat-on-the-run culture, maintaining a healthy body weight can be a major challenge; for many of us, trying to lose those extra pounds is an enormous struggle. The diet industry (a billion-dollar concern in the U.S. alone) is a big part of the problem – fad diets, rapid weight loss supplements, and innumerable other programs that guarantee instant results only serve to contradict each other and confuse dieters, ultimately doing nothing to help us lose weight and keep it off.

Being overweight significantly increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer ... the list seems almost endless. Plus, if you do get sick or need surgery, being overweight can make any treatments riskier. While it is normal to want to lose unwanted weight as quickly as possible, rapid weight loss is rarely a good idea. To begin with, most of the weight lost in this fashion comes from water and muscle tissue, and the weight is quickly regained once the diet is over.

Dieters make the mistake of embarking on some type of fad diet which dramatically restricts the number of calories they consume. Weight loss programs such as the lemon juice diet, the cabbage soup diet, and the various low-carb diets can cause you to lose weight quickly at first, but again, the majority of the weight lost in this fashion comes from muscle and water. Follow these simple tips to lose weight –

1. Eat small meals at frequent intervals. Avoiding both starving and binging. Eat slowly, that gives our body time to tell us that it is full before we've eaten more than we need.

2. Avoid simple sugars and processed carbohydrates. Choose whole cereals or whole wheat products and avoid white flour and its products as far as possible. Eat healthy, mostly unprocessed foods, including fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and limited amounts of lean animal protein. This also includes fiber in your diet which makes you feel full soon and also moves fat through our digestive system faster so that less of it is absorbed.

3. Consume at least 8-9 servings of fruits and vegetables including 1 green leafy vegetable daily.

4. Eating salads is a healthy option, but don’t replace your meals only with salads, and be careful with salad dressings, mayonnaise, and other condiments that are high in fat content. They greatly increase the calorie count and can negate the healthy aspects of a meal.

5. Avoid too much of deep fried, oily or fried foods. Include good proteins in the form of pulses, sprouts, milk, eggs, fish, and lean meats or de skinned chicken.

6. The most important nutrient that is always forgotten is water. Drink sufficient water daily to keep yourself well hydrated.

7. Keep in mind ‘fat free’ or ‘sugar free’ products do not mean calorie free. Make sure to read the food labels before any food item you consume. Be an aware customer.

8. Physical activity or exercise is a very important criterion to remain fit and lose weight. Just a simple brisk walk for 40-45 minutes or stretching exercises for lower body will help. Exercise makes it possible to create a calorie deficit and lose weight without starving your body and slowing your metabolism.

Losing Weight Mindset

Losing Weight Mindset

Loosing weight is often a struggle but it is even more of a struggle without the right psychology. You can have all the information in the world about how to lose weight but without the right psychology to apply it, it is useless.

Ever wondered why so many people fail to lose weight? It is all in the mindset. Far too many people believe that losing weight is too hard and they need to be educated a lot in order to know how to lose weight effectively.

Then there are others who don’t want to put in the amount of effort required to lose weight because they believe that they don’t need to! These people believe that there are miracles pills out there that would help them lose weight quicker than the conventional formula of dieting and exercise. All of these are obviously great misconceptions and unless you are able to rid yourself of these misconceptions, you will never be able to lose weight.

An excellent way to improve your weight loss mind-set is to begin to create realistic goals. When you meet the goals you set, you will feel better about yourself. The key to losing weight lies in identifying the cause of your obesity and then taking the appropriate measures needed to counteract against this cause. This is as simple as it can get! In this article I will tell you about the three main causes behind obesity and how to counteract each one of them easily!

People become overweight usually because of three reasons: either they lead a sedentary or inactive life, or they are predisposed to obesity by virtue of hereditary traits, or that they indulge in emotional eating. Each of these problems can be solved in one way or the other.

To begin with, if you are overweight because of leading a sedentary life, it is time to get up and running. Become active. Leave that couch and start walking. Instead of going to your local market in your car, use your legs to reach the destination. Incorporate exercise into your daily life. The more active you become, the faster you will be able to lose weight.

If everyone in your family, including parents, grandparents and siblings are more or less overweight, then it means that the cause behind your obesity is hereditary. You are predisposed to being overweight but that doesn’t mean there is no way out! Start off by identifying your ideal weight and then work hard to lose enough fat so that your body weight becomes or less normal. Remember though that because of your genes you would need to work a bit harder than others.

If you are eating for emotional reasons, then there is a way out for that as well! What is the reason behind your continuous munching on fast foods? Do you eat to get over pain and misery? Or do you eat to curb the boredom that is eating you? In both cases, you can find a hobby or activity that would preoccupy your mind so that you won’t think about eating for emotional reasons.

As you can see, virtually every problem relating to weight has a simple solution. Now go back and write down the cause of your obesity on paper. Then use the tips above to fight against it!

Planning is key to meeting goals. Setting goals without planning how to meet them is like getting in your car to make a trip to a new destination without ever glancing at a map. You can't get to your goal unless you know what you need to do. Knowing you want to lose weight isn't the same as having a clear idea of how you're going to make it happen.


Skin Rashes Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A skin rash is a change in the color and/or texture of the skin on any part of the body. It can have many causes, including allergic reactions, friction, exposure to heat and moisture, infections, fungus, parasites, medications and contact with chemicals or other irritants. A basic skin rash is known as dermatitis. This term simply means inflammation of the skin. Rashes can be caused by many different factors. In some cases, a patient will come into contact with an irritant or allergen that causes the skin to react. This is known as contact dermatitis, and it can be sparked by substances such as detergents, soaps, fabrics, clothing, rubber, solvents and jewelry

Skin rashes can often be identified through a visual examination by a dermatologist or other healthcare professional. In some cases, a skin biopsy or other test (e.g., blood test, urine test) may be necessary to determine the exact nature of a rash. Details from a medical history can also aid diagnosis.

There are many types of skin rashes, and volumes of books would be needed to thoroughly cover them all in some depth.

Eczemas which causes scaly, itchy red rashes may show up at any time during your life. Eczema can occur in anybody at any age and for many different reasons. Eczema is not one thing, but consists of several types of skin rashes including atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is to some degree hereditary. Generally, atopic dermatitis is the most frequently seen of the eczemas. It usually begins in early childhood with red, dry cheeks, sensitive skin, and small rashes on various parts of the body, especially in the bends of the elbows and knees, and is associated with strong itch and dry, scaling skin.

One of the most challenging types of allergies and skin rashes to diagnose are those caused by something ingested or common in the environment. Generally these attacks that are brought on by the unfortunate intersection of allergies and skin rashes fall into one of two categories: dermal allergies and systemic allergies that present as skin rashes.

Treatment options vary significantly depending on the type of rash. Some rashes clear on their own over time. Patients can take several steps to relieve symptoms associated with the rash until it clears. These include:

Avoid scrubbing skin. This causes further irritation. Do not apply cosmetic lotions or ointments to a rash. Use minimal amounts of soap. Gentle cleansers are better. Use warm (not hot) water for cleaning. Pat dry. Rubbing with a towel will further irritate the skin. If possible, expose the affected area to the air. This will help speed healing. Use calamine lotion for rashes caused by poison ivy, oak or sumac. Use oatmeal baths to soothe itchiness.

Applying olive oil to the affected skin is one of the most powerful natural remedies for reducing rash. Olive oil contains skin-healing substances that are useful for treatment of rashes. One can even get immediate relief after application of olive oil.

Aloe vera is another potent succulent plant that is mostly used for skin care. One can use good aloe vera gels that are available in the market. If possible use fresh pulp. You can cut an aloe vera leaf lengthwise and extract the colorless pulp from inside the leaf (avoid yellow fluid near the surface of leaf). Apply gel 3 to 4 times a day for effective cure of skin rash.

Persistent rashes should be brought to the attention of a dermatologist or other healthcare professional. Some skin rashes may require special creams, medications or shampoos before the rash clears.


Aging Changes in Skin Part II

It is impossible to prevent all of the changes that occur to the skin as a person ages. However, older individuals can take steps to slow the pace of these changes, or to treat symptoms that result from these changes. These steps include avoiding sun exposure, using moisturizers and emollients, maintaining a healthy diet and taking advantage of medications and procedures that make the skin appear younger.

Aging has many effects on a person’s skin, from wrinkles and sags to increased risk of certain skin conditions, such as skin cancer. As people age, their skin begins to change due to environmental factors, genetic makeup, nutrition and other factors.

Covering the entire outside of the body, the skin is the body’s largest organ and consists of three layers: the epidermis (composed of skin cells, pigment and protein), the dermis (composed of blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles and oil glands) and the subcutaneous tissue (composed of sweat glands, hair follicles, blood vessels and fat). Each layer also contains connective tissue, collagen fibers for support and elastin fibers to provide flexibility.

For Healthier, Younger-Looking Skin

Prevention: While you cannot stop or even slow down the intrinsic aging process, you can prevent signs of premature aging by protecting your skin from the sun, quitting smoking, and eliminating facial exercises.

Dermatologists recommend comprehensive sun protection to prevent premature aging caused by the sun. Comprehensive sun protection includes:

Avoiding deliberate tanning, including use of indoor tanning devices.

Staying out of the sun between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., when the sun’s rays are the strongest.

Wearing protective clothing, such as a wide-brimmed hat and long sleeves, when outdoors during the day.

Applying sunscreen year round. Sunscreen should be broad spectrum (offers UVA and UVB protection) and have a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before going outdoors to all skin that will be exposed. It should be reapplied after sweating or being in water.

Treatment: If you are bothered by visible signs of aging, a number of treatments are available. Injectable fillers and botulinum toxin are suitable for people with busy lifestyles who do not want the inconvenience of a long recovery. Radiofrequency is a procedure that offers an alternative to the traditional facelift. Dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, and some topical treatments can restore skin, giving it a smoother and refreshed appearance.

Scientific research in the field of anti-aging continues to give rise to new and promising treatment options. A dermatologist can help you sort through the numerous options, including the myriad of over-the-counter products. During a consultation, the dermatologist will examine your skin, discuss your expectations, and recommend suitable treatment options.

Aging Changes in Skin Part I

Throughout a person’s lifetime, the skin is constantly changing. As people age, the skin begins to lose underlying fat (subcutaneous tissue) and the top two skin layers (dermis and epidermis) become thinner. Fine wrinkles increasingly appear, and the skin dries out and begins to lose elasticity.

Aging causes many changes in a person’s skin, ranging from wrinkles and sags to increased risk of developing noncancerous or cancerous growths and lesions. Environmental factors (e.g., sun exposure), genetic makeup and poor nutrition are among the agents that cause changes to the skin as a person ages.

The skin often appears thinner, paler and more translucent over time. “Laugh lines” may appear around the mouth, and crow’s feet may appear around the eyes. As gravity takes its toll, the eyelids begin to fall, jowls form and ears grow longer. Areas that are exposed to sun may develop brown patches known as age spots.

Intrinsic Aging

Intrinsic aging, also known as the natural aging process, is a continuous process that normally begins in our mid-20s. Within the skin, collagen production slows, and elastin, the substance that enables skin to snap back into place, has a bit less spring. Dead skin cells do not shed as quickly and turnover of new skin cells may decrease slightly. While these changes usually begin in our 20s, the signs of intrinsic aging are typically not visible for decades. The signs of intrinsic aging are:

1. Fine wrinkles

2. Thin and transparent skin

3. Loss of underlying fat, leading to hollowed cheeks and eye sockets as well as noticeable loss of firmness on the hands and neck

4. Bones shrink away from the skin due to bone loss, which causes sagging skin

5. Dry skin that may itch

6. Inability to sweat sufficiently to cool the skin

7. Graying hair that eventually turns white

8. Hair loss

9. Unwanted hair

10. Nail plate thins, the half moons disappear, and ridges develops

Extrinsic Aging

A number of extrinsic, or external, factors often act together with the normal aging process to prematurely age our skin. Most premature aging is caused by sun exposure. Other external factors that prematurely age our skin are repetitive facial expressions, gravity, sleeping positions, and smoking.

The Sun: Without protection from the sun’s rays, just a few minutes of exposure each day over the years can cause noticeable changes to the skin. Freckles, age spots, spider veins on the face, rough and leathery skin, fine wrinkles that disappear when stretched, loose skin, a blotchy complexion, actinic keratoses (thick wart-like, rough, reddish patches of skin), and skin cancer can all be traced to sun exposure.

“Photoaging” is the term dermatologists use to describe this type of aging caused by exposure to the sun’s rays. The amount of photoaging that develops depends on: 1) a person’s skin color and 2) their history of long-term or intense sun exposure. People with fair skin who have a history of sun exposure develop more signs of photoaging than those with dark skin. In the darkest skin, the signs of photoaging are usually limited to fine wrinkles and a mottled complexion.

Photoaging occurs over a period of years. With repeated exposure to the sun, the skin loses the ability to repair itself, and the damage accumulates. Scientific studies have shown that repeated ultraviolet (UV) exposure breaks down collagen and impairs the synthesis of new collagen. The sun also attacks our elastin. Sun-weakened skin ceases to spring back much earlier than skin protected from UV rays. Skin also becomes loose, wrinkled, and leathery much earlier with unprotected exposure to sunlight.

While it may seem that the signs of photoaging appear overnight, they actually lie invisible beneath the surface of the skin for years. UV photography enables us to see the damage accumulating beneath the surface of the skin years before the signs of photoaging appear. Most people are surprised by the amount of photoaging that the UV camera shows.

Effective Back Pain Exercise

Back pain has a number of causes, but one of the most common happens to be what I'm doing right now and, most likely, what you're doing as you read this article: Sitting. If you spend a lot of your time sitting, you probably have the same problem I do - frequent back pain. Since sitting isn't something we're going to stop doing (at least not completely), we have to look for other ways to manage this kind of chronic back pain and exercise is just one of them. Carrying extra weight is another common cause of back pain and it can also affect your other joints, ligaments and tendons.

Weak muscles are often at the root of back pain, especially lower back pain. The muscles of the back, the abdomen, and the buttocks all support the spine - these muscles are called the core muscles. Muscles are the spine's main defense against gravity. Strengthening the muscles that support the spine with exercises, can prevent, reduce and even eliminate back pain.

Strong abdominal muscles (especially the deep abs) are as crucial as strong back muscles for supporting the lower back and preventing lower back pain. Strong quadriceps (front of thigh muscles) is important to prevent back injuries when lifting. Proper lifting techniques involve using your legs and if your legs are weak, you may end up using your back.

Shortened muscles can throw the spine out of alignment and cause back pain. Stretching exercises lengthen shortened muscles and relieve back pain. Tight back muscles, tight buttocks muscles, and even tight hamstrings (back of thigh muscles) or quadriceps (front of thigh muscles), can affect the alignment of the spine. Stretching the back with stretching exercises also increases mobility of the joints of the spine.

Managing and preventing back pain isn't easy, but it can be done as long as you're willing to make some changes in how you live. Your first step is to determine what's causing your back pain and if you have a condition that needs special treatment.

How do you feel after you've been sitting for a long time? Do you feel stiff or sore? Does your back feel tight? What about that tension in your neck and shoulders? I'm a firm believer that sitting for long periods of time is one reason so many of us are in pain. You don't have to stop sitting completely, but there are ways to minimize the damage.

Take short breaks. Set an alarm on your computer, PDA, etc. to go off every 30 minutes. Take at least one minute to stand, stretch, walk or change positions.

Stand while you work. What tasks could you do while standing? Some ideas: talking on the phone, reading your mail, working on the computer (if you can raise your monitor) goofing off, etc. Choose just one on your list and make a new rule that you'll only do it while standing.

Sit on an exercise ball or cushion. If you can get away with it, try sitting on an exercise ball for a few minutes several times throughout the day (all day may be a bit much on your lower back). You can roll around on it while sitting to help stretch the back and you'll be forced to avoid slumping to stay on the ball. If that's not an option, try a cushion like the one offered at Sissel, which promotes good posture.

Bad posture is another big contributor to back pain. If you're like me, you start your day with good posture but gradually end up slumping, sprawling or hunching when your body gets tired. Monitoring posture can turn into a full-time job, but there are some simple ways to make small changes in your body position.

Swinging back legs could strengthen the muscles of hip and back. Stand in the back of a chair and raise a leg up and down without bending the knee. Repeat this for each leg.

Always warm up before stretching exercises. Five minutes of walking, or exercise bike, elliptical trainer, or even marching on the spot is enough. Not warming up before stretching leaves your back susceptible to injuries causing back pain. Warm muscles are more flexible than cold muscles and are less likely to tear.

There are different forms of physical therapy viz. Passive Physical therapy and Active Physical therapy. Passive physical therapy includes Heat/Ice packs, TENS units and iontophoresis. Active Physical therapy is the exercises like Stretching for back pain exercise, Low-impact aerobic conditioning and strengthening for back pain exercise.


How to Get Rid of Migraine Headaches

Headache is defined as pain in the head or upper neck. It is one of the most common locations of pain in the body and has many causes. All kinds of pains are bad. But there is nothing as mentally exhausting as a headache. It affects our well-being, our productivity and even our social existence. After a headache we feel mentally drained and physically exhausted.

The possible causes of a headache range from a relatively harmless common headache or common cold to life-threatening emergencies like meningitis or even the unlikely occurrence of a brain tumor. Various types of headache are possible: common headache, migraine, cluster headache, sexual headache, or other types of headache.

Tension headaches are the most common type of primary headache; as many as 90% of adults have had or will have tension headaches. Tension headaches are more common among women than men.

Migraines give you a throbbing headache, sometimes accompanied by nausea as well. The pain is so severe that it can render you incapacitated till the time you treat it by swallowing a painkiller. Though over the counter medications, such as Aspirin, or other painkillers can prove to be of help, once you have a migraine attack, they are not completely safe. In fact, natural migraine remedies are what you should use, to treat the pain and avoid the side effects of drugs as well.

It is important to identify your migraine at the initial stages, to treat it at the earliest. Migraine pain can intensify very quickly, when left untreated. If your head aches on one side only, you feel nauseated, your face becomes hot and light or sound bothers you, your headache may be a migraine. You may also suffer from vomiting, visual disturbance and dizziness. Once you are sure it’s a migraine, treat it in the right way.

Tension headaches are sometimes helped by measures to relax the tight muscles. These include massage, hot showers and heating pads on the back of the neck or cold packs. Biofeedback and muscle-relaxation training may be helpful.

Some people find relief with other non-traditional techniques, such as acupuncture, hypnosis or meditation. Non-prescription pain relievers often help occasional tension headaches. If not, prescription analgesics may do the trick. These include Aspirin with Codeine (Empirin with Codeine); Acetaminophen with Codeine (Tylenol with Codeine); Aspirin, caffeine, and Butalbital (Fiorinal); or Aspirin and Oxycodone (Percodan).

For chronic tension headaches, prescription analgesics aren't always useful. They tend to lose their effectiveness, encourage dependency, and cause "rebound" headaches when they wear off. A less addictive and often more effective alternative is a tricyclic antidepressant, such as Amitriptyline (Elavil) or Imipramine (Tofranil), which can affect the pain pathways in the brain. Tricyclics must be used for several weeks before they take effect. Since much lower doses of the antidepressant are needed for pain than for depression, there are generally few or no side effects.

Drugs that constrict blood vessels, notably ergotamine (Ergostat), may relieve migraines if taken at the first sign of the headache. Once a migraine is established, the only recourse is to take a narcotic, such as Meperedine (Demoral) or Codeine, head for a darkened room and try to sleep it off. Recent studies show that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, such as Ibuprofen (Motrin), Indomethacin (Indameth), and others can alleviate migraines, sometimes as effectively as Ergotamine. A new drug, Sumatriptan (Imitrex), appears to ease migraines about as well as Ergotamine, with much milder side effects.

Your other option is to talk to your doctor about preventive medicines for migraine headaches. Studies have found that certain cardiovascular drugs and certain antidepressant medications have been highly effective in the prevention of migraines. New studies are being done all the time. Who knows, maybe eventually they will find a cure for your migraine headaches. But for now all you can do is try to prevent them or if you feel one coming on, try to treat it as quickly as possible.

Constipation Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Constipation is not having a bowel movement (pooping) as often as you usually do or having a tough time going because the poop is hard and dry. Normal poop is sort of soft and easy to pass, so it shouldn't be too hard to have a bowel movement. The term constipation is used for severe constipation that prevents passage of both stools and gas. Causes of constipation may be dietary, hormonal, anatomical, a side effect of medications or an illness or disorder.

Constipation means different things to different people. For many people, it simply means infrequent stools. For others, however, constipation means hard stools, difficulty passing stools (straining), or a sense of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement. The cause of each of these "types" of constipation probably is different, and the approach to each should be tailored to the specific type of constipation.

By constipation hard stool assembles in the lower colon or rectum without coming out in due time. This causes the stomach region to engorge, causes diffuse discomfort and sometimes sharp pain. When the hard stool eventually pass out it can over stretch the tissue in the anal region and tear up the mucosa and skin in this area.

Constipation also can alternate with diarrhea. This pattern commonly occurs as part of the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). At the extreme end of the constipation spectrum is fecal impaction, a condition in which stool hardens in the rectum and prevents the passage of any stool.

It is important to distinguish acute (recent onset) constipation from chronic (long duration) constipation. Acute constipation requires urgent assessment because a serious medical illness may be the underlying cause (for example, tumors of the colon). Constipation also requires an immediate assessment if it is accompanied by worrisome symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea and vomiting, and involuntary loss of weight. In contrast, the evaluation of chronic constipation may not be urgent, particularly if simple measures bring relief.

Bowel movements are under voluntary control. This means that the normal urge people feel when they need to have a bowel movement can be suppressed. Although occasionally it is appropriate to suppress an urge to defecate (for example, when a bathroom is not available), doing this too frequently can lead to a disappearance of urges and result in constipation.

Here are some home remedies that may be used for the treatment of constipation.

Drink a glass of warm water early in the morning, walk around for a while, and then visit the toilet. Simply drinking more water will not provide a complete cure for constipation. However, additional fluids in the digestive system will help to keep stools soft and facilitate digestive processes such as bowel movements.

Eat a lot of raw salads and green vegetables. Drink plenty of water, but not immediately before or after a meal. Regular exercise is also important in establishing regular bowel movements. If you are confined to a wheelchair or bed, change position frequently and perform abdominal contraction exercises and leg raises. A physical therapist can recommend exercises appropriate for your physical abilities.

Drink a glassful of warm water with a spoonful of honey every night before going to sleep. However, be aware that you might go to the bathroom often!

Children and adults should get enough fiber in their diet. Vegetables, fresh fruits, dried fruits, and whole wheat, bran, or oatmeal cereals are excellent sources of fiber. To reap the benefits of fiber, drink plenty of fluids to help pass the stool.